
Promise Is Showing With Sequential Fungicide Applications

University and onfarm research is finding a one-two punch of fungicides is resulting in healthier plants and higher yields.

In a world full of examples where more isn’t necessarily better, trials researching sequential fungicide applications on corn and other crops may be an anomaly.

Trials show that fungicide applications on corn during the crop’s vegetative growth stages can slingshot plant health up until the tasseling stage. Researchers also find a follow-up fungicide application at tasseling can keep plants healthier and stronger and allow them to store nutrients and energy in developing grain.

BASF has found in trials that an application of Priaxor fungicide at the V5 to VT stage, followed by an application of Headline AMP at the VT to R3 growth stage, can greatly improve plant health and increase yields.

Sequential Success. “This combination of fungicides applied sequentially provides three modes of action,” says Gary Fellows, manager of BASF’s fungicide technology services group. “If the timing is good, you can see up to a 12- to 18-bushel increase for the tassel application, and anywhere from a 4- to 10-bushel increase with the Priaxor application.

“While the effect is not additive, it does affect the health of the plant over its life.”

Fred Below, a University of Illinois plant physiologist, has also researched the effects of fungicide applications on yields.

“There does seem to be a ‘greening effect’ from these fungicide applications,” he says. “We’re trying to understand how to take advantage of it. We think it may be an effect that is independent of controlling disease that affects the plant’s health and performance.”

Fellows says growers have immediately…

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