PROPER-PLACEMENT_Feature Image.jpg
PROPER PLACEMENT. For pre-plant or at-plant application, no-tillers can broadcast fertilizer (left), subsurface band it next to the seed (middle) or use starter pop-up in the furrow in contact with the seed (right). Image No-Till & Cover Crops Handbook

Roundtable: What Starter Fertilizer Equipment Do You Use?

Editor’s Note:

No-Till Roundtable is a department appearing in every edition of No-Till Farmer’s Conservation Tillage Guide. Ahead of each issue, our editors send out an email asking for your thoughts and opinions on a no-till topic. If you have a question you’d like to ask about no-till or other conservation practices, please email Michaela Paukner at

A: We began using starter fertilizer in 2022. We don’t have any 2x2 applicators on our planter, but we still wanted the proximity of the liquid fertilizer to be at or near that range. We have 2 RTK receivers that we use for guidance in our operation. We used our 16-row Dalton liquid sidedress applicator to mimic a 2x2 application by applying the liquid 3 inches to the side of our planter guidance line. We chose 3 inches due to our inexperience and fear of burning the germinating seed with our untested application strategy. When we returned to the field with the planter, we were able to plant on our existing guidance line with RTK level accuracy alongside the previous application with the sidedress toolbar.

We applied a solution of 32% (27 gallons per acre) and ATS (5-7 gallons per acre) for around 100 pounds of nitrogen (N) and 15-20 pounds of sulfur. We used a preplant dry variable rate application of diammonium phosphate (DAP), potash and elemental sulfur based on soil tests, as well as a sidedress application of 32% with micronutrients around V5. Finally, a foliar application of fungicide…

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