Targeting the right product depends on many factors but can go a long way to ensure you are getting the most out of your investment in sulfur fertilizer.
Soil microbes make quick work of soil nitrogen not taken up by plants, so it’s best for no-tillers to tailor applications to crops and not treat their soil profile as a bank, Richard Mulvaney says.
Soil microbes make quick work of soil nitrogen not taken up by plants, so it’s best for no-tillers to tailor applications to crops and not treat their soil profile as a bank, Richard Mulvaney says.
University of Minnesota Extension explains the nitrogen cycle, how nitrogen can transform and end up leaving the soil through the atmosphere or local waterways.
Most problematic for legumes, molybdenum deficiencies are sometimes misdiagnosed as nitrogen deficiencies, but with a soil pH greater than 6.0, a response to applications is unlikely.
No-tillers looking to develop a healthier, stronger root system will want to focus on how to create optimal soil environments that interact well with good genetics.
No-tillers may keep an eye on what’s going on aboveground throughout the growing season, but what's taking place belowground can also have a big impact on crop health and yield.
A lot of careful consideration goes into selecting which fertilizer should be added to a crop, but all the decisions have been made, little thought is then given to what actually happens next.
When strip-tilling, it is essential to have the proper planting depth and use trash whippers to move remaining residue off the row area. I also recommend a split application of nitrogen and the use of readily available nitrogen sources such as UAN or ammonium nitrate.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
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