BASF is releasing two new InVigor hybrid canola varieties for the 2025 growing season to follow on from its launch last spring of its initial triple-trait variety.
As planting season approaches, here are a few best management practices for starting clean in fields with winter cereals that will be harvested for forage or cover crops that will be terminated ahead of planting.
Although glyphosate provided superior weed control in the early years, most of the weeds in the dataset showed signs of adaptation to the chemical in just two to three years.
The study says the data show a rapid falling-off of glyphosate effectiveness against seven major weeds after the first couple of years. The authors conclude that intensive use of any one weedkiller like glyphosate year-after-year serves to speed up evolution in weeds to resist it.
A study by University of Saskatchewan researchers suggests glyphosate has served another important function — making Prairie agriculture more sustainable.
RealAgriculture's Kara Oosterhuis talks to independent research agronomist Jim Stute at the 2023 National No-Tillage Conference about how using cereal rye in rotation ahead of soybeans can help no-tillers get ahead of weeds.
In a world-first breakthrough for research into herbicide resistance, a team of Australian and international scientists has discovered a new glyphosate resistance mechanism in plants that has similarities to cancer drug resistance in humans, say researchers from the University of Western Australia.
A study from the University of Florida indicates that Palmer amaranth can evolve life-history traits to increase its potential to grow and reproduce in various cropping systems.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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