No-Till Innovator Rick Clark of Williamsport, Ind., says diversity is his top consideration in building soil health. His farm fields have 9 different crops growing throughout the year.
Master Farmers can be viewed in many ways. Some grow their operations to be successful for generations, while others improve agriculture for everyone around them. Tim Gauck has done both.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, Muncie, Ind., farmer Joe Hamilton shares the lessons he learned after the switch from conventional tillage to no-till in year 1 and beyond.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, Muncie, Ind., farmer Joe Hamilton shares the lessons he learned after the switch from conventional tillage to no-till in year 1 and beyond.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, No-Till Living Legend Ray McCormick takes us on a tour of some of the farm and wetland projects he’s completed around Vincennes.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by The Andersons, No-Till Living Legend Ray McCormick takes us on a tour of some of the farm and wetland projects he’s completed around Vincennes.
During the March 29, 2024, episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, No-Till Living Legend Ray McCormick mentions that a flood took out a “Pacers cup” worth of soil where he had forgotten to flip the switch to spread cover crop seed while combining.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment, No-Till Living Legend Ray McCormick talks about how he first got involved with restoring farmland into wetlands, seeding cover crops with the combine, his planting philosophies and more.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment, No-Till Living Legend Ray McCormick talks about how he first got involved with restoring farmland into wetlands, seeding cover crops with the combine, his planting philosophies and more.
Ryan Waite of Angola, Ind., has been growing no-till soybeans for 20 years, but, regarding conservation farming, he wasn't "all in" until just 5 years ago.
“God has made a good Earth, and it’s my responsibility to help protect what God has given us.” This quote defines the culture of conservation that has run strong in our family for generations.
No-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's realm from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web.The Best of the Web series is brought to you by NACHURS.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
Needham Ag understands the role of technology in making better use of limited resources within a specific environment by drawing on a wealth of global experience to overcome the challenges facing today's farmers, manufacturers and dealers.
The Andersons grows enduring relationships through extraordinary service, a deep knowledge of the market, and a knack for finding new ways to add value as we have done for nearly 70 years.