The timing of nitrogen (N) application makes a difference in canola seed quality and N-use efficiency. Washington State University Extension shares some insight into N application in spring and whether it pays off in winter canola.
Experts at Kansas State University Extension talk about the effects of chosen varieties, management practices and weather patterns on canola survival during winter.
A winter crop in eastern New Mexico and west Texas that is increasing in economic value, canola, will be the focus of a field day this month at New Mexico State University’s Agricultural Science Center at Clovis.
If you’re planning to use tissue testing as a basis for fertilizer recommendations for in-season winter canola, research results unveiled at the No-Till Oklahoma Conference might have you rethinking that idea.
Oklahoma no-tiller Preston Simic is rejuvenating stagnant wheat ground by protecting it with residue, fixing fertility issues and diversifying crop rotations.
No-tillers with a rotation that typically includes winter wheat might consider trying winter canola due to its higher prices, benefit to soybean yields and ability to loosen up the soil.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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