Articles Tagged with ''varieties''

What To Consider When Selecting SCN-Resistant Varieties

Planting soybean cyst nematode (SCN) varieties is one of the most effective tactics for managing the most important pathogen of soybeans. However, SCN-resistant varieties are not all created equal. You should consider the following characteristics when selecting SCN resistant varieties for your fields:
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6 Secrets That Could Help Boost Soybean Yields

After the “7 Wonders Of The Corn-Yield World” challenged status-quo thinking about corn, researchers Fred Below and Jason Haegele are breaking new ground with the secret sauce for doubling soybean yields.
Three years ago, Stark City, Mo., farmer Kip Cullers set the world record for soybean yields at 160 bushels an acre, nearly four times the average soybean field in the U.S.
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No-Till Notes

‘Get With The System’ To Fine-Tune Seed Selection

Testing hybrids and varieties on your own farm, in multiple locations over a number of years, can help you get the best genetics and yields.
Selecting the most appropriate hybrids and varieties for your no-till farm can improve profits immensely, but this decision can be difficult because so many options are available.
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Tips For Soybean Production In No-Till

When managing soybean production in no-till conditions, growers need to consider several management strategies, including variety selection, insect management, disease management, fertility management and weed management.
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