Articles Tagged with ''plants''


NCGA Expects Cellulosic Corn Ethanol

Corn cobs and fiber, along with stover, are likely to remain the main focus for cellulosic ethanol research and deployment in the Midwest over the next few years, according to the National Corn Growers Association. Cellulosic ethanol is made from the woody parts of plants, rather than the more easily refined grain. Cellulosic studies are now moving from basic research to applications, the NCGA notes.
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Scouting Critical To No-Till Cutworm Control

Consistent field monitoring during corn plant emergence can keep you ahead of black cutworms
Black cutworms can pose a serious threat to a corn crop, and no-till farmers can be at higher risk than other growers because the life cycle of the black cutworm fits well with the agronomic practices of no-till.
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After 32 Years Of No-Tilling, Truths Emerge From His Fields

Paul Schaffert has faced his no-till challenges through the decades, and he’s learned from both the ups and the downs. He offers his advice here.
Having no-tilled since 1972, Paul Schaffert has learned a few things while growing corn, wheat, soybeans, sunflowers, milo and grain sorghum on a 2,000-acre irrigated and dryland farm in Indianola, Neb. The lessons have come even harder recently, because the area, which normally receives 10 to 17 inches of rain each year, has been suffering through a drought for the past several years and irrigation is now restricted to 13 inches per year.
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Get Used To Threat Of Asian Soybean Rust

Asian soybean rust finally appeared in the U.S. last season but had little impact after years of warnings about its potential catastrophic effects on soybean yields. That doesn’t mean the researchers were wrong and no-tillers can ignore the threat.
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Nitrogen 101

Switching to no-till is the best thing you can do for your soils. But soil management can be tricky. The key is understanding nitrogen.
If ever there was an article to pass on to neighbors who have talked about switching to no-tilling but haven’t because of the horror stories they’ve heard about the transition period, this is the one.
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The Magic of Sunlight

Setting up your crops in 15-foot strips will boost no-till corn yields by 15 percent.
For no-tiller Doug Smith, inputs like fertilizer, her­bicides and fuel tend to be more expensive for the Thames­ville, Ontario, farmer than for his U.S. counterparts. So when you can get some­thing for free, you take advantage of it.
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