Inside the Varied Technologies tent we go. And inside we came across this Redekop Harvest Weed Seed Control Unit. Eric Schuler shows how it could be a game-changing tool for your weed-fighting arsenal.
“As the combine goes to the field, the cab is going to be this direction, and this is going to be the back side of the combines. As it processes the material, it’s gravity fed into the hopper that you see here. And these are going to be spinning at about 2800-3000 RPM, so it’s a very high horsepower machine, but what it does is guides those seeds into the set of rotors and it’s going to crack the seed, damage the seed, basically destroy any germination of that material, that way it’s a clean field that’s left after the combine goes through the field. It’s a very simple product but also a very effective product. We get a lot of questions and interests from growers that are non-GMO operations, organic operations, and we’ve even sold these into farmers that are traditional corn and soybean, and use traditional herbicide programs, whether a 2-pass soybean operation or whatever.”
Watch the full version of this episode of Conservation Ag Update.
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