Items Tagged with 'groff'



No-Till And Organic Techniques Coming Together Out East

Thirty years of research, trial and error and changing attitudes, along with improved equipment, are setting the stage for grower success.
“HELP!” Horticulturist Ron Morse remembers the day nearly 30 years ago when that message, scrawled by a county extension agent on the bottom of a snapshot, arrived at his Virginia Tech University office. The photo showed a mud slide blocking a rural Appalachian farm road. What was left of a cabbage patch planted on a steep sloping field was mired in the mud.
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Some of Your Friends Live Underground

Earthworms can accomplish a lot in undisturbed fields, and no-tillers are in perfect position to capitalize, says this speaker at the 2006 National No-Tillage Conference.
Field scouting usually happens in broad daylight. But to scout for one indicator of the vitality of your no-till fields, it’s best to step out after dark, or dusk at earliest. Then look for earthworms.
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The Benefits Of Cover Crops

No-tiller Steve Groff told attendees at the 1998 National No-Tillage Conference that cover crops provide his no-till operations with numerous benefits. Groff says cover crops:
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