The 2024 class of Brevant brand soybeans is the largest to date, with 24 new Enlist E3 soybean varieties featuring genetics from Corteva Agriscience and a focus on consistent performance in any growing season.
Direct Enterprises, Inc. (DEI) introduced CeraMax, a new EPA-registered biological seed treatment designed to improve soybeans yields by guarding crops against Fusarium, the fungal disease that causes sudden death syndrome (SDS).
From the University of Nebraska — Lincoln, here are three diseases to watch for in flooded cornfields and three to watch for in flooded soybean fields, plus the conditions that will make them worse.
With tight profit margins, and other issues affecting farm profitability, some producers that use iLeVO for helping manage sudden death syndrome (SDS) of soybeans have decided to skip including base fungicide treatments in an effort to save money, according to the University of Illinois Extension.
Most Midwest producers are behind in getting corn and soybeans into the ground this year as a result of persistent rains and cool temperatures. The University of Illinois takes a look at what this might mean for some of the common field crop diseases.
In search of higher yields, many producers aim to plant soybeans early in the season. When considering this practice, there are two diseases to be mindful of: Sudden death syndrome (SDS) and Pythium root rot (PRR).
Simply planting SCN varieties said to be resistant is no longer an effective solution to the problem, and areas with high levels of both SDS and SCN need to managed simultaneously, says Purdue University Extension.
Iowa State University Extension shares the results of 13 available commercial seed treatments it evaluated for seedling diseases, SCN and SDS on soybean in 2015.
Researchers consistently found that Fusarium virguliforme on corn kernels at average harvest loss resulted in the most sudden death syndrome, says a University of Nebraska Extension Educator.
The 2 weeks before senescence can provide an opportunity to look into problem areas of fields and determine what may have caused challenges during the growing season.
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