Items Tagged with 'Root mass'


Corn Rootworm-Resistant Hybrids Need More Nutrients

The larger root mass in hybrids with corn-rootworm resistance function longer and remove more water and nutrients than non-corn-rootworm counterparts.
No-tillers need to pay attention to the extra phosphorus, zinc and other nutrients that corn rootworm-resistant (CRW) hybrids use compared to biotech hybrids without the CRW trait, says Fred Below, University of Illinois plant physiologist.
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Strip-Tilling And No-Tilling Sweet Corn

With everyone from USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack to the mainstream media and celebrity chefs touting locally grown food, growing and selling sweet corn to city dwellers who pay $6 or more for a dozen ears may be a profitable niche market for strip-tillers.
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Are Twin Rows The Corn System Of The Future?

The push is on to increase corn yields to a 300-bushel U.S. average. Twin rows may allow corn roots room to grow to capture nutrients and water, while allowing plants to capture more available sunlight.
Have you ever felt like you needed a little more space? If Greg Selbrede’s corn plants could talk, the Leon, Wis., no-tiller figures they would have been telling him they felt just a bit claustrophobic.
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Search Underground For Higher No-Till Profits

Managing what’s found below the ground is a key to boosting your above-ground profits.
To maximize above-ground profits, Ed Winkle maintains that no-tillers must be attuned to the basics of what’s happening under the ground. The certified crop adviser with HyMark Consulting in Blanchester, Ohio, says a proper balance of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon is critical to harvesting top no-till yields.
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