Items Tagged with 'sequestering carbon'


Clay Pope

My Cows Sequester More Carbon Than Your Hybrid Car

Producers should try to reduce methane levels from livestock, by improving feed conversion efficiency to reduce the amount of feed consumed, says Clay Pope. But we also need to understand that cattle, sheep, chickens and pigs are not the villains some people make them out to be.
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[Podcast] Cutting Inputs, Growing Liquid Corn and Sequestering Carbon with Russell Hedrick

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Mfg., we’re joined by Russell Hedrick who talks about how his experience as a young first-generation farmer faced with soil erosion led him on the path to using no-till, cover crops, incorporating livestock, and more.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Mfg., we’re joined by Russell Hedrick who talks about how his experience as a young first-generation farmer faced with soil erosion led him on the path to using no-till, cover crops, incorporating livestock, and more.
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[Podcast] Building Resilience in Your No-Till Soils

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Midwest Bio-Tech, we're joined by Jamie Patton, a senior outreach specialist for the nutrient and pest management program for the University of Wisconsin who shares her insights on sequestering carbon in the soil and the impact microbes, fungi, and organic matter have on the soil biome.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Midwest Bio-Tech, we're joined by Jamie Patton, a senior outreach specialist for the nutrient and pest management program for the University of Wisconsin who shares her insights on sequestering carbon in the soil and the impact microbes, fungi, and organic matter have on the soil biome.
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Gore to U.N.: No-Till Has Role In Climate Health

Developing emissions markets to encourage farmers in poor countries to store more carbon dioxide in no-till soil should be a key topic on the U.N. climate talks agenda, global warming activist Al Gore said.
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