The European Union will extend glyphosate's authorisation for 10 years, even though its member states failed to agree over the active ingredient in Bayer AG's Roundup weedkiller.
Recent Fertilizer Canada lobbying has morphed the fourth principle from Right rates to holding the line at rates without “a mandatory reduction in the use of fertilizers.” These are 3R and STIR (same to increased rates) principles. Is this right?
In Europe, the carbon market overseen by the EU generated €57 billion ($59 billion) in revenue over the past 8 years, and prices paid to farmers are flirting with $100 per metric ton.
Long time conservationist Jim Gulliford — a top official with the Environmental Protection Agency from 2001 to 2008 — is the new executive director of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS).
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
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