Years ago, the president of the National Speakers Association was asked, “Does a speaker need to use humor in a presentation?” His answer: “Only if you want to get paid.”
No-Till Living Legend and 2024 Conservation Ag Operator Fellow Ray McCormick shows the downstream impact of water and soil cascading from tilled fields in Vincennes, Ind.
Agriculture is bearing the brunt as one of the sectors most affected by extreme weather, while a third of global greenhouse gas emissions are attributable to the global food system. In the face of this enormous challenge, advocates and practitioners of regenerative agriculture are arguing that now is time for farming to transition to a much more sustainable model at scale. The No-Till Passport Series is brought to you by Martin Industries.
A hotter atmosphere is causing rain to fall in harder bursts, pushing back planting seasons and drowning crops. At the same time as human-driven climate change is juicing precipitation, Corn Belt farming practices such as installing underground drainage tiles and leaving fields bare after harvest are changing how water moves across the landscape and into waterways.
Researchers use carbon dioxide in a hydroponic system to quickly and accurately determine how soy varieties fare in oxygen-deprived environments, says the University of Arkansas.
“We have to work with nature, we can't fight it,” Doug Hisken, a Belle Plaine, KS, area farmer said about this year’s overly wet weather leading to flooding problems across much of the state.
A proposal to use drones in the United Kingdom to flag areas with serious erosion issues seems to be getting traction. Should this be done in the U.S.?
WITH EXTENSIVE concentrations of livestock production in the Northeast area of the U.S., this hasn’t been an area that’s seen a significant shift to no-till. But with area farmers facing a serious lack of rainfall and new nutrient management rules that practically mandate no-till, there’s more interest now than ever before.
Get full access NOW to the most comprehensive, powerful and easy-to-use online resource for no-tillage practices. Just one good idea will pay for your subscription hundreds of times over.
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