Articles Tagged with ''Hybrids''

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New rate recommendations for Headline fungicide have been permitted by the EPA for control of all key disease in corn, according to its manufacturer, BASF.
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Coated Seed Corn Finding Its Place As No-Tillers Benefit

Those monitoring their investment in the technology say the returns are proving to be worthwhile; more availability could be on the way.
After more than a decade of testing and four full seasons of commercial sales, Intellicoat Early Plant hybrids show increasing acceptance among no-tillers coping with cold, wet spring soils, reports Landec Ag, developer of the polymer seed-coating product.
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No-Tillers Using New Corn Hybrids, But Selection Still Requires Care

The cost of seed corn has skyrocketed, but some no-tillers and researchers report big gains in yields in side-by-side test plots.
No-tillers seem to be taking evolving technologies in stride as seed companies unveil seed corn that provide new single, double and triple transgenic traits, with seed treatment options for early-season insect and disease protection.
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Frank Comments

Herbicide Diversity is Critical

With concerns continuing to develop over glyphosate weed resistance in no-tilled crops, weed scientists keep suggesting that growers start using LibertyLink and Clearfield traits that offer alter- native herbicide modes of action.
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Corn Seed Options Boom for No-Till

It’s no longer a guessing game, but rather a matter of sorting through all the information to find seed that fits your no-till field conditions and practices.
There have never been more corn hybrid selections and protections on the market to help meet the needs of no-tillers. We’ve moved a long way from the hybrid guessing game no-tillers were in just a few short years ago.
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Top 9 Tips Offered For Boosting No-Till Fields

A past winner of the No-Till Innovator Award and owner of HyMark Consulting in Martinsville, Ohio, offers the following tips for maximizing your no-till yields.
Your no-till planter setup can depend on your conditions and equipment. Talk to others who are no-tilling successfully and do your homework, including research on the Internet.
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Shop Talk:

As Numbers Mount, Opposition Arises To Monsanto Lawsuits Against Farmers

No-tillers growing non-biotech crops in which genetically modified crops are also growing due to wind-blown pollen or volunteer plants from a previous year’s seeds are liable to be sued by Monsanto Company, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Food Safety. So are no-tillers who grow biotech crops without signing Monsanto’s technology agreement, the group says.
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Changing Factors Require Different No-Till Corn Choices

While most seed firms don’t rank corn hybrids for essential agronomic factors, smaller companies are offering what farmers want and need in the way of important selection data to help you push up no-till profits.
Everyone's heard seed salesman say that almost every corn hybrid will perform well with any type of tillage. While more seed companies are finally admitting that cold vigor, residue level, germination rate and a few other items should be evaluated when selecting corn hybrids for no-till, Kevin Newgard maintains a number of other key agronomic factors need to be considered.
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