Articles Tagged with ''moisture''

Field Drydown Of Mature Corn Grain

Delayed maturity of corn due to late planting or simply cool growing seasons often translates into delayed or slow drydown of mature corn grain prior to harvest and, consequently, higher than desired grain moisture contents at harvest.
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Rolling, Crimping Can Help No-Tillers Use Covers Better

Well-designed roller-crimpers, and a good management plan, can help no-tillers and strip-tillers smother weeds, improve soil protection and get the most from high-biomass cover crops.
Rolling and crimping tall cover crops can help no-tillers and strip-tillers plant into heavy residue, preserve moisture and, in some cases, reduce herbicide use.
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New Concepts For Deep-Furrow Drills May Boost Dryland Conservation

Research in the Pacific Northwest finds new packer wheels, coulters, spider wheels and wider row spacings could help wheat farmers embrace conservation tillage without sacrificing yields.
New technology and setups are emerging that could solve decades-old problems with deep-furrow drills and encourage more no-till on millions of dryland acres in the Pacific Northwest.
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No-Tilling Is No Remedy For A Shortage Of Moisture

While finding ways to save moisture in a drought is important, the real benefits of no-till are most apparent with normal weather conditions.
Most no-tillers will agree that no-till saved considerable moisture last summer when compared to their neighbors using more intensive tillage systems. For many, the extra moisture resulted in higher yields and income in a growing season that was far from ideal.
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