Articles Tagged with ''Callisto''

More Choices Available in 2004 For Protecting No-Till Corn

New products are mostly refinements of old standbys and recent successful introductions. Manufacturers are emphasizing convenience and market competition.
No-Tillers planning for the 2004 growing season can look forward to a handful of new alternatives for protecting their corn from weeds and insects. Herbicide and insecticide manufacturers and seed producers introduced their new products to attendees at the National No-Tillage Conference held in Des Moines, Iowa, in January.
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Biotech Leads To More No-Tilled Acres

Since herbicide-tolerant transgenic cotton varieties became widely available in 1997, the no-till cotton acreage has nearly doubled in the United States. A recent survey by the National Cotton Council indicates that no-till made up 29 percent of total cotton acres while reduced tillage made up 30 percent of all cotton acres in 2002.
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