Articles Tagged with ''Nitrogen management''

No-Till Cover Crops Hedge Against Drought

Not only can cover crops planted in no-till fields fix nitrogen in the short term, they can also reduce soil erosion and mitigate the effects of drought in the long term, says a Natural Resource Conservation Service agronomist.
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Managing Nitrogen To The Nth Degree

There’s no doubt managing nitrogen is critical in no-tilling, but what about the big picture impact?
Gyles Randall had a tough job in front of him. Here he was, at the National No-Tillage Convention last January and he knew the last things these top-notch no-tillers wanted to hear about were environmental concerns about nitrogen application.
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Regulatory Precautions

Are more regulations in store for no-tillers? This Iowa farmer isn’t taking chances.
Pesticides and fertilizers are such key components for successful no-tillage that Merlin Jones wants to be prepared for a worst-case scenario of tighter restrictions by the Environmental Pro­tection Agency (EPA).
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