Articles Tagged with ''Field''

Cover Crops, Freeze-Thaw Cycle Favored For Undoing Compaction

An online discussion finds that most no-tillers prefer not to rip their fields and would rather rely on more natural methods to restore the structure of their valuable soils.
No-tillers forced to work in wet fields this fall after heavy rains might want to know that most experienced no-tillers favor the freeze-thaw cycle and cover crops rather than tillage to break up compacted soil.
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Handle Ruts, Compaction Wisely After Summer, Fall Downpours

Even established no-till fields could be damaged by traffic following the heavy rains that suddenly hit much of the Midwest, but ruts must be dealt with.
In many areas in the middle of the country, the dry summer suddenly turned extremely wet with widespread flooding, and even no-till fields were saturated and vulnerable to runoff problems.
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New Quad Stack Protects Against Both Corn Insects And Weeds

Syngenta’s new Agrisure 3000 GT offers a new look at a high-performing stack of corn traits that delivers both weed and insect protection and flexibility.
Featuring a four-way stack that protects the crop against both corn borer and corn rootworm while providing exceptional tolerance to in-season applications of both glyphosate and Liberty herbicides, Agrisure 3000GT is the latest addition to Syngenta’s lineup of high-performance corn traits.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

World Records Still Leave Room For Higher Yields

Kip Cullers says he — and other no-tillers — can produce yields that go beyond levels that already leave some observers in disbelief.
It's an understatement to say that we’ve had a lot of publicity since harvest of 2006, when the word got out that my farm had placed first or second in three categories of the National Corn Growers Association yield contest (including a first-place 347.26 bushels per acre in a no-till irrigated class) and also weighed out a world-record soybean yield of 139 bushels per acre with conventional tillage.
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Dare to Compare

This farmer matches his conversation system to varying soil types
Tim Manchester was nonchalantly looking over yield maps when the clusters of dots representing yields glowed as brightly as a K-Mart blue light special.
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