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Integrated Pest Management is more than just knowing what to spray and when, John Tooker says. The Penn State University entomologist says no-tillers need to think more broadly about their approach to insect control to consider how the use of insecticides impacts soil health, onfarm diversity of beneficial insects and whole no-till farming systems.

Tooker will look at how you can lessen dependence on insecticides for control of slugs and other pests of corn and soybeans to capture the benefits of helpful insects and improve your no-till production system at the same time.

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing Co., we welcome Tooker to discuss the natural processes plants have to combat insect pests, the natural predators and beneficial insect species that help control damaging insects, and the relationship between the soil food web and well-being of beneficial insects and predators.







Yetter Farm Equipment

No-Till Farmer's podcast series is brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment.

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Intro Music: Adam Selzer - True North

Interlude Music: Alialujah Choir - Little Picture (Instrumental)