Booth: 4007
Website: www.hccincorporated.com/
Contact: Ron Roglis
Phone: (515) 232-5363
HCC, Inc. is pleased to announce that its innovative Smart-Till is now available in a 30' model: the Smart-Till ST 303.
Smart-Till enhances no-till/minimum till field practices and is a superior soil, manure, pasture, and hay management implement. Its patented self-sharpening, three-tine helical design lets you fracture soil more than 8" deep. Plus, the tines easily adjust 0-10 degrees.
The Smart-Till ST 303 offers a 28' 4” working width with a 15' 8” transport width at its widest point. It also has a three section wing-up design, 10' center section, and 10' wings.
Industrial Seats
Booth: West Hall Booths 615, 617
Website: www.industrialseats.com/
Contact: Bill Wickert
Industrial Seats, a Division of United Group, Inc., is your one stop source for heavy equipment seats, air suspension and mechanical seats, truck seats, pickup seats, tractor seats, and other construction seating. We stock a wide range of seats from top manufacturers including BE-GE, Grammer, IRON HORSE Seating, KAB Seating, MILSCO, National Seating, RECARO, Sears Seating and Seats Inc. We offer custom installation kits for popular replacement seats for heavy equipment and agricultural equipment. We have been developing our network of Master Distributors and Dealers for over 25 years and pride ourselves on offering custom seating solutions, quality products and unparalleled customer support.
CDS-John Blue
Booth: West Pavilion Booths 815, 816
Website: www.johnblue.com
Contact: Email
Know your liquid application flow from the cab of your tractor. Identify which rows are being under-applied before your yields are diminished, costing valuable time and money. Our patent-pending system shows you a problem now allowing immediate correction. No more second guessing if any of your delivery lines are plugged.
The CDS-John Blue Electronic Liquid Blockage System alerts you when the ball and flow in an individual row has dropped below a selected level in a CDS-John Blue VisaGage II Flow Monitor.
AWS Air Reels
Website: www.awsairreels.com/
Phone(519) 348-0066
An AWS air reel greatly improves the harvest efficiently. High pressure air delivered through an out front manifold sweeps the crop from the knife increasing yield potential. Harvest loss is reduced through improved feeding and reduced shatter loss.
- Sizes from 15' to 45'
- Simple reliable belt drive fans
- Kits available for all makes and models
A company that is dealer and customer focused.
Ag Leader
Booth: 914 in South Wing B, 416 G/H in North Wing
Website: www.agleader.com/
Contact: Lori Costello
Phone: (515) 232-5363
Ag Leader's Hydraulic Down Force system ensures seeds are planted at the proper depth by instantly adjusting to changes in soil types. That means consistent emergence across the field. No "ramping" affect experienced with slower-responding air bag down force systems. The system's dual channel control allows down force to be set differently for planter wings and the center section of the planter where soil compaction is common. Learn more about Ag Leader Hydraulic Down Force at www.agleader.com/
Hawkins Manufacturing, Inc.
Booth: 501-502
Website: www.hawkinsmfg.com/
Contact: Email
Hawkins Manufacturing Inc. is, once again, pleased to be exhibiting at the National Farm Machinery Show. Hawkins will feature 4 key products at the 2013 show, including the Hawkins Down Corn Reel, the Hawkins Planter ”N” Forcer, the Hawkins Coulter “N” Forcer, and the Hawkins Front Truss Toolbar. Click here for more information on each product. You’ll find the Hawkins exhibit located in the West Wing lots 501-502. Hawkins will provide continually running video of each our products field performance throughout the day. We look forward to visiting with dedicated growers from across the nation. We’ll happily provide a hardy Midwestern greeting, answers to your product questions, and a Mini-CD of our 2013 Hawkins product catalog.
TDS Drive
Booth: North Hall Booths 428 H&I
Website: www.mudhog.com/
Contact: Email
Tread lightly on your fields with the new Mud Hog grain cart axle!
Make an additional 2 – 3 bushels per acre by adding a Mud Hog to your combine or grain cart. Mud Hog reduces soil compaction even when field conditions are not wet. Similar to a front wheel assist on a tractor, you can feel the combine or grain cart lift up out of the soil when the Mud Hog axle is engaged reducing rut depth and soil compaction. The new Icon series Mud Hog axles with Eco-Select allow operators to use the Mud Hog axle full time while in the field to protect against yield robbing soil compaction. Visit our booth at the National Farm Machinery Show.
May Wes
Booth: West Hall, Booth 647
Website: www.maywes.com/
Contact: Email
FREE shipping on show orders!
The Original STALK STOMPERS - recognized industry leader in stalk leveling devices for tractors and corn heads, offering a broad line of models.
Tractor STALK STOMPER - applications include planting, tillage and tractors with floatation tires, row crop tires and tracks.
Quick Disconnect STALK STOMPERS for Corn Heads -features a design for ease of installing, adjusting and shoe removal.
Residue Management - tool of choice in No-Tillage application for residue management and Award Recipient at the 2013 National No-Tillage Conference.
Booth: West Wing Booth #5050
Website: www.exmark.com/
Exmark has introduced RED technology to its Lazer Z X-Series with Kohler EFI power.
- RED technology uses an electronic governor and operator-defined performance modes to improve engine response and performance. The technology also reduces fuel consumption up to 41-percent compared to carbureted models.
- Real-time monitoring of vital engine components and a clutch-saver feature prevents damage if critical thresholds are exceeded.
- Exmark’s 2013 custom seat is standard, incorporating numerous patented technologies to increase operator comfort.
- The Lazer Z X-Series is available with a 60- or 72-inch full-floating UltraCut Series-6 cutting deck.
Booth: 4021
Website: www.vermeer.com/
Contact: Email
The Vermeer VR2040 High-Capacity Wheel Rake – this is what high-capacity and high-performance raking is all about. And you can see it for the first time at the National Farm Machinery Show in booth #4021.
Want more capacity, more speed, and the reliability to handle more acres in less time, with fewer maintenance issues? The new Vermeer VR2040 combines unique, one-piece rake arms with hydraulic suspension on each rake wheel for superior rake flexibility and consistent down force on rake wheels through the entire range of motion, providing improved tooth life and less dirt content in the windrow. The highly popular, optional center splitter attachment gently turns the crop in the center of the swath, so you can cover the entire swath – up to 40' wide.
Art's Way
Booth: West Wing Booth #5005
Website: www.artsway-mfg.com/
Contact: Email
Phone: (712) 864-3131
Featuring Art’s Way equipment for feed, feedlot or field
Art’s Way Mfg. is in the business of providing livestock producers a blend of tradition, quality and innovation. Livestock producers will want to stop by Booth 5005 in the West Wing to kick the tires of our equipment. Built rugged and dependable for years of maximum productivity.
- 6520 Mixer/Grinder with its gigantic 165-bushel tank and 26 inch hammermill
- V140 Spreader with removable vertical beaters rotating at 420 RPM for uniform spreading
- LS120 Rear Steer Grader designed to perform in tight or sloping spaces with its 5 ft. offset capability.
Titan International
Booth: North Wing Booth #4027
Website: www.titan-intl.com/
With more than 100 years of service to off-highway customers, Titan understand the types of challenges faced in the field by today’s farmers. Whether it’s harsh corn stubble, soil compaction or power hop, we design our products to help farmers overcome those challenges. Come stop by our booth and see our new lineup of Goodyear Increased Flexion (IF) tires that utilize our low sidewall (LSW) concept, boasting increased load capacity, reduced road lope/power hop and improved ride. But don’t take our word for it, see what other farmers say who have put them to the test.
Summers Manufacturing Company
Booth: West Hall Booths 607, 609
Website: www.summersmfg.com/
Contact: Email
The ORIGINAL Vertical Tillage Tool built heavier to handle thick residue in the fall and heavy, wet residue in the spring.
Our Exclusive Hydraulic Hitch permits the operator to transfer weight on-the-go to ensure proper cutting in the toughest conditions.
Supercoulters are built “Field Tested Tough” with more weight than competitors, but only require low horsepower to penetrate and mulch residue into the soil without turning up root-balls or lumps. AND, for field finishing and seedbed preparation in the spring, add the combination of the 3-bar 104 Mounted Harrow and low maintenance Rolling Baskets.
Sized for your operation in 15’, 20’, 23’, 30’, 35’, 40’, & 50’ working widths.
Booth: South Wing Booth #1028, West Wing Booth #5013
Website: www.brillionfarmeq.com/
Contact: Email
Phone: (855) 320-0373
Like every farm implement in operation today, Brillion Pulverizers were developed to take care of a specific need…to maximize the efficiency of the seed bed. Starting with 4 foot models all the way up to 46 foot machines, there is a Brillion Pulverizer for every size operation. The newest models are the Wing Float Pulverizers that range in size from 22 feet to 46 feet. Larger roller axles, new hydraulics, and a patented Wing Float mechanism, sets these units apart from the competition. Stop by our two booth locations at the National Farm Machinery Show to learn more!
Environmental Tillage Systems
Booth: South Wing B Booth #913 G, H & I
Website: www.soilwarrior.com/
See the ETS SoilWarrior product line in South Wing B Booth #913 G,H & I. SoilWarrior is the premier “zone till” system for planting preparation, blending fertilizers throughout the root zone and prepping for great seed emergence. SoilWarrior leaves the majority of the soil naturally mulched and untouched. Most no-till and strip tillage systems rely heavily on knives or shanks. Soil Warrior’s patented rolling cog wheel fractures soil compaction in a narrow zone, providing highly effective, low impact soil treatment in the plant’s growth zone. Also see the ETS HoneyWarrior field ready for manure application and fitting with state-of-the-art Puck Custom Enterprises manure handling systems.
Niffty Ag
Booth: 413D/E
Website: www.nifftyag.com/
Contact: Lyn Rosenboom
The Reaper is a unique, complete zone tillage system with a revolutionary approach to strip till that will reset industry standards. This innovative system features large 22” saw tooth blades on our row cleaners as well as a high clearance frame and rugged design. Both liquid and dry fertilizer can be placed at the bottom of the deep tillage zone making it ideal for shallow spring use and deep fall tilling and fertilizer application. The chromium carbide knives are quickly and easily replaced.
Come visit us at the National Farm Machinery Show to learn more about the most defined and tailored strip till in the industry.
Booth: Pavilion 8028
Website: www.firestoneag.com/
Contact: David Ashby
Firestone brand Destination Farm radial implement tires with AD2 technology are designed to deliver a new level of performance in the operation and transportation of today’s heavy farm equipment. With their wider tread width and larger footprint, Destination Farm radial implement tires can significantly reduce soil compaction associated with equivalent-sized bias- and radial-ply truck tires commonly used to carry heavy equipment.
Available in both IF and VF designations, these advanced tires can carry the same load at a lower pressure — or as much as 20% (IF) or 40% (VF) more load at the same pressure — as our standard equivalent-sized tires.