Making Sense Of Sidedressing Anhydrous Ammonia

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Sidedressing Anhydrous Ammonia

Is anyone able to make sidedressing anhydrous ammonia in no-till corn really work? I’ve tried using conventional thin knives without coulters, but it only worked where the soil is loose and the residue is minimal.

A coulter would prevent residue from bunching up in piles, but I need some method to seal the slot and prevent the anhydrous ammonia from escaping.


We sidedress our no-till corn with anhydrous ammonia and use a regular knife behind a coulter followed by DMI uni-sealers. We also weld a short drag chain to the back of each knife to help fill in the trench with loose soil.

I had planned to try a planter style drag chain but we got the DMI sealers for a very good price. We use a knife between every other row and are running straight coulters. However, fluted coulters may fracture a little more soil and make the slot easier to close.

—Cliff Neubauer,

We sidedress most all of our corn using a 40-foot wide, 3-point toolbar at 8 to 10 mph Try the following modifications.

Run skip row shanks with double-tubed knives. The key is to…

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