No-Till Farmer editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at the grower's world from the lofty digital realm. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:
- Drones Play Role in No-Tillers’ War on Weeds
- No-Tiller Receives Women in Agriculture Award
- Reducing Carbon Penalty for No-Till Corn Following a Cover Crop
- Dave Franzen Speaks on Importance of No-Till
- Gone with the Wind? Not this No-Tiller’s Soil!
Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Purple Cow Organics.
Bioactive™️ by Purple Cow Organics is a group of liquid products focused on improving soil biology. These include broad-spectrum biologicals that preserve and deliver diverse beneficial microbes. Our products stimulate growth and improve plant vigor and nutrient uptake to increase your yield and help your margins. Focusing on soil health can improve tolerance against drought, salt, heat, and stress. All biology in Bioactive™️ products is naturally occurring with no synthetic or lab-grown additives.
Drones Play Role in No-Tillers’ War on Weeds
Drone technology has the ability to help farmers save money, and it will also help to maintain optimal regenerative practices, such as continuous no-till.
No-Tiller Receives Women in Agriculture Award
No-tiller Kellie Blair received the Women Impacting Agriculture award for her contributions to Iowa agriculture. She was recognized for her practices that build soil health and productivity, including no-till, strip-till and cover crops.
Reducing Carbon Penalty for No-Till Corn Following a Cover Crop
Farm Journal field agronomist Ken Ferrie says no-tillers can remove some of the carbon penalty and allelopathic issues for corn following a cover crop by shutting off meters on the drill to leave a bio strip.
Dave Franzen Speaks on Importance of No-Till
In this video, watch and listen to a discussion with Dave Franzen, North Dakota State's University Extension soil specialist, as he talks about the future of agriculture and the pivotal role that no-till will play in ensuring that successful regenerative agriculture is feasible for generations to come.
Gone with the Wind? Not this No-Tiller’s Soil!
Kansas no-tiller Laura Hoffner warns of the dangers of soil erosion in the High Plains area where she and her husband farm. Hoffner talks about how no-till and cover crops have given them confidence that their soil won’t continue to blow away in high winds.
Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.
Bioactive™️ by Purple Cow Organics is a group of liquid products focused on improving soil biology. These include broad-spectrum biologicals that preserve and deliver diverse beneficial microbes. Our products stimulate growth and improve plant vigor and nutrient uptake to increase your yield and help your margins. Focusing on soil health can improve tolerance against drought, salt, heat, and stress. All biology in Bioactive™️ products is naturally occurring with no synthetic or lab-grown additives.
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