2013 NNTC Audio Presentation

Infrared Sensors, Row Clutches, Auto-Steer And Precision Practices That Pay (NNTC 2013 Presentation) - MP3 Download


Product Details

Everybody has a new precision tool that they claim no-tillers can’t live without. While they sell the features and the benefits, what are the economics of that purchase?

Tim Norris, CEO of Ag Info Tech, shares real-life examples and economic data to show you the precision tools out there with a profitable payback. The Gambier, Ohio, precision specialist shows 3 years of data with nitrogen sensors, payback calculators for auto-section control and auto-steer, and the acres needed to justify some of these technologies.

(Total Run Time: 41 Minutes; File Size: 29.7 Megabytes)

Click here to download a PDF version of this presentation to follow along with while listening to the audio file (no purchase necessary).

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