Items Tagged with 'Fulk Agri Services'


Win 5 Great Prizes!

Check out these valuable prizes valued at more than $40,300 that five lucky attendees will take home from the National No-Tillage Conference.
Check out these valuable prizes valued at more than $40,300 that five lucky attendees will take home from the National No-Tillage Conference.
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No-Till Payback

Prize winner gives his winnings to the no-tiller that got him started
When given the opportunity, most people show appreciation for someone who has helped them out. That’s exactly what no-tiller Herb Lofty of Richfield, Wis., did in January at the 2001 National No-Tillage Conference in Cincinnati.
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Planting Precision Fine-Tunes No-Till Yields

Here’s how this no-tiller avoided costly uneven stands and serious yield losses.
David Wipf learned a lot about precision corn planting last year, thanks to the Computrol II Monitor that he won at the 2000 National No-Tillage Conference. Wipf, crops manager at the Fairview Colony near LaMoure, N.D., directs production on 2,500 acres of no-till corn and soybeans.
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