Items Tagged with 'stabilizers'



Less is More: No-Tillers Weigh in on Nitrogen Management Methods

A survey of no-tillers uncovers a range of application and management practices — plus uses of precision data and cover crops — that help provide optimal crop yields and cut input costs in no-till operations.
Nitrogen (N) management plans are about as variable as the timing and application options available to today’s no-till farmers. Not only is careful consideration given to the types and amounts of N applied, but the use of precision data gathering equipment also enables growers to gauge their success on the fly and take corrective actions as required.
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Stabilizers Boosting No-Till Nutrient Efficiency

Faced with high potential for nutrient loss, no-tillers are turning to stabilizer products that keep N and P in the right place and form.
Faced with expensive fertilizer prices, fickle weather and the threat of activist regulators, no-tillers are using nitrogen stabilizers and other nutrient enhancements more than ever to avoid the losses between application and crop uptake.
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Practices And Products That Can Make Your Fertility Program Pay

Maximizing fertilizer efficiency and plant nutrient uptake ensures that an expensive input earns its keep in your no-till system.
The higher the cost of the input, the more important it becomes to maximize efficiencies and make sure that input pays dividends. High fertilizer prices paired with potential environmental impact makes managing nutrient inputs doubly important.
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More Expensive Nitrogen May Produce Best Returns

Having no-tilled for 8 years, Tim Goodenough has moved away from using anhydrous ammonia, 28 percent nitrogen and urea as nitrogen sources. Since 2005, he’s successfully used the ESN (Environmentally Smart Nitrogen) product. This polymer-coated nitrogen is a slow release product that is activated by moisture and heat, says the West Salem, Wis., grower who no-tills 1,300 acres.
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Maximize Your No-Till Nitrogen

When it comes to harvesting more bushels of no-tilled corn from your nitrogen, the use of stabilizers are a good investment.
The potential for nitrogen loss in no-till presents you with both a problem and an opportunity, maintains Sam Ferguson, a customer agronomist with Dow AgroSciences in Omaha, Neb.
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