Items Tagged with 'Ron Ross'



U-Trough Planter System Fine-Tunes Nutrient Placement

Under development for years, the new planter setup provides basic crop-nutrient needs and stimulates soil biological activity with microbial additives.
A chance meeting with South African farmers during a trade show inspired Jeff Littrell and his company’s partners to design a planting system that simultaneously applies one dry and two liquid fertilizer products.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Farm Success By Staying The Course

Expanding South Dakota family operation uses technology, crop diversity and better equipment to make no-till work in a limited-moisture climate
Ten years ago, when our operation was featured in No-Till Farmer, I told the editors that I would stay with no-tillage regardless of what happened.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

Total Commitment And Technology Make 100% No-Till Work

No-tiller Cade Bushnell made major planter changes, added continuous corn and cut nitrogen rates with a four-part program.
Shifting from conventional tillage to no-till often requires a lot of physical change in your operation. Just as importantly, adopting this new way of farming demands a strong dose of faith during a transition period that might take several years. I like to joke it’s the same kind of devotion it takes to make a good marriage work.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

It Takes Time To Learn How To No-Till Slopes That Exceed 50%

Idaho direct-seeder Russ Zenner spent more than 20 years developing rotations and testing equipment to continuously no-till some of the world’s steepest slopes.
When I'm asked what the primary differences are between no-tilling in the Palouse region of Idaho and Washington versus the Midwest, the discussion starts with our steep slopes.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Puts Brothers In The Winning Zone

Using the Rawson zone-till system, precision agriculture and conservation planning earns Minnesota no-tillers recognition for their yields and environmental stewardship.
Looking back, it seems like we did everything we could to make sure no-till wouldn't work. But it fooled us.
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