After several days of confusion about a federal court decision revoking certain dicamba registrations, and whether or not states had to comply, the EPA has offered clarity on future sales and use of existing stocks.
ARA President and CEO Daren Coppock sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler regarding the Ninth Circuit vacature of 3 dicamba labels earlier this week. Read the statement to learn how this impacts the farming community.
Arkansas’ State Plant Board members voted Wednesday during a public hearing and board meeting prohibit the use of dicamba in Arkansas between April 16 and Oct. 31, with an exemption for pastures and rangeland.
The states of Missouri and Tennessee have passed special restrictions to the use of dicamba, while Arkansas’ ban on dicamba sales still appears to remain as of Friday.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Sound Agriculture, No-Till Innovators Allen Berry, Barry Fisher, Ray McCormick and Loran Steinlage share 4 tips for the upcoming growing season.
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