Nitrogen fertilizers acidify no-tillers' soil, so understanding lime needs can help maximize yields by reducing soil acidity, increasing biological life and improving nutrient uptake.
Washington State University researchers offer a new publication to explain how soil pH affects root diseases and provide recommendations on mitigating adverse effects.
Concerns among no-tillers about the impact of high nitrogen (N) rates on soil acidity appear to be on the increase. And it’s more of a problem with continuous no-till since some growers are spreading less lime due to increasing soil organic matter and decomposition.
With decreasing soil pH a growing concern in the Palouse region of Washington, a simple way to check soil acidity is to use a soil pH meter to collect and accurately test a sample in the field in a matter of minutes, and at detailed levels, says Washington State University Extension.
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On this episode of Conservation Ag Update, brought to you by Martin-Till, we’re broadcasting from the road at the 2024 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa!
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