In the Spring, growers may experience challenges when controlling winter annuals weeds or terminating cover crops with glyphosate-based burndown herbicide programs, specifically when glyphosate is sprayed in cool, cloudy weather conditions.
Fluctuating spring weather can make spraying burndown herbicides challenging for many farmers. These resources from Penn State University Extension may help improve burndown performance.
As fall temperatures will continue to drop, it is important for growers to decide as soon as possible about applying herbicides this fall, says University of Nebraska Extension.
While not adequately controlling emerged weeds prior to soybean planting can make for a tough season, there is more application flexibility and herbicide choice for corn, says Ohio State University Extension.
Remember that all vegetation should be actively growing and capable of intercepting the herbicide spray when you make your burndown application, says Penn State Extension.
Foliar herbicide burndowns should be applied to undisturbed weeds that are not covered with soil, and residual herbicides should be left on the surface undisturbed, says Ohio State University Extension.
University of Tennessee Extension says there are four herbicides to choose from to burndown small to larger marestail while avoiding a long plant-back time for soybeans.
University of Tennessee Extension shares the most effective herbicides and tank mixes a grower can utilize as a burndown for marestail in soybeans and cotton.
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