Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter has served as editor of No-Till Farmer since the publication was launched in November of 1972. Raised on a six-generation Michigan Centennial Farm, he has spent his entire career in agricultural journalism. Lessiter is a dairy science graduate from Michigan State University.



No, No, No... ‘He Chisel Plowed My 30-Year No-Tilled Ground’

It may take 6 years to return this long-term no-tilled ground to the superior soil quality it enjoyed before this tillage fiasco took place.
In November of 2017, a long-time Corn Belt no-tiller came upon a shocking scene: One of his no-till fields was being chisel plowed by a misinformed tractor driver, working for a multi-thousand acre operator who thought the field was among some of his newly rented ground.
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With Last Spring’s Extremely Late Planting Season, No-Tilling Corn in 20-Inch Rows Could Have Helped Overcome Yield Worries

As it did for many corn growers in 2019, the late planting season hit home with Fred Below as many of his research plots didn't get planted until after June 1. And he's convinced delayed planting can easily cost a grower 15-20% of their potential yield. So what should a grower do to protect yields when faced with a weather-stressed late planting situation?
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When No-Till Alone Isn’t Enough to Prevent Costly Erosion

Operating one of the oldest family farms in North America, no-till, strip-till and cover crops help this Canadian family stay competitive with a diversified 1,800-acre operation that includes 70 dairy cows, 20,000 egg-producing laying hens and production of 850,000 broilers each year.
When your family has been farming some of the same ground for more than 255 years, there have been many changes.
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Less Dust with More No-Till

Drive as far as you can along the 120-mile southern shore of New York's Long Island and you'll arrive in the Hamptons. The exclusive high-style living area with its multi-million dollar mansions is where Big Apple's elite spend their weekends and summer vacations. So what does this have to do with no-till?
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