Articles Tagged with ''plant''

What I've Learned from No-Tilling

With 70 Sweet Corn Varieties, Timely Planting Is Critical

Paying attention to detail is necessary when strip-tilling and no-tilling a crop that costs as as much as $1,500 per acre to produce.
When we're asked if we “created” our name as a marketing strategy, we are quick to point out we’re the fourth generation of Sweets to grow sweet corn in northeastern Ohio. My great-grandfather Dermott Sweet started the operation in 1880, and for more than a century we were primarily a wholesale company.
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What I've Learned from No-Tilling

No-Till Is Good For Everyone!

No-till is now at the point where it not only can improve soil structure and stop erosion, but could also have far-reaching effects on consumer preferences and human health.
One of the first things I like to do when I talk to no-till farmers is to explain why my long title – rhizosphere ecologist – fits right in with what they’re trying to achieve with direct seeding or no-tilling. (The terms are generally interchangeable).
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Frank Comments

Watch Shallow No-Tilling

While John Pickle admits that no-tilling corn shallow will get the plants out of the ground faster, he maintains there are several other considerations to worry about when deciding how deep to plant.
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No-Till Air Seeder Fits High-Yield Goals

Developing a precise package is helping this New York farmer strive to reach his goal of producing 100-bushel no-till wheat yields.
After sitting in on a no-till air seeder roundtable session during the 1998 National No-Tillage Conference, Donn Branton was primed for action. What he’d heard convinced him to consider a new way to achieve the precision planting necessary for attaining 100 bushel per acre yields of soft red winter wheat.
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Holding On To Bt

If no-till corn growers don't take precautionary measures, European corn borer will likely strike back against BT corn.
The introduction of hybrids containing the Bt gene gave no-tillers a new management tool to reduce European corn borer losses, but how long this tool will remain effective is the responsibility of growers.
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Mixed Results, Uncertain Recommendations

Do crop additives work? Soil scientists don’t have any clear-cut answers.
With increased plant growth and yield increases in field trials, crop additives may have caught your attention. But these fertilizer additives are far from receiving an across-the-board endorsement from university researchers.
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