Articles Tagged with ''burndown''


Sprayer Efficiencies Improve Timing, Boost Profits

Having the proper equipment to apply pesticides and nutrients in a timely manner is critical for your no-till success.
With a wet spring like many Midwestern producers experienced this year, additional importance is placed on spraying equipment. The window of opportunity to complete this all-important task in a timely manner becomes an enormous challenge.
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Glyphosate-Resistant Horseweed Now In 16 States Across Country

Michigan joined the list this year, and no-tillers heavily reliant on glyphosate for weed control are at particular risk of developing resistance in their fields.
Earlier this year, Michigan became the sixteenth state in the country to confirm a case of glyphosate-resistant horseweed when it was discovered in a Christmas tree plantation.
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Spraying Late Is Costly

You’ll sometimes have less than a day to make a timely herbicide application — at a time when it may interfere with other essential no-till work.
When it comes to effective weed control, timing is always critical. But it is particularly important when you are using a total post program since dead weeds with late spraying can still trim your yields.
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What's It Take To Capture No-Till Corn Contest Honors?

Contrary to what you may think, most contestants don’t go overboard with inputs in their contest fields and find that competing helps them find new ways to push up no-till yields across the entire farm.
When it comes to learning what it takes to turn out profitable corn yields, many no-tillers find they learn a great deal from having contest plots on their farms.
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