Articles Tagged with ''fexapan''

Will 'Politically Motivated' Dicamba Decision be Overturned?

On March 10, 2021, the acting head of EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP) indicated in an internal memo that she believes the former EPA leadership was politically-motivated and cherry-picked data when approving dicamba registrations. A recent editorial in The Counter explores the impacts of this memo and questions the fate of the contested herbicide.
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Spray Nozzle ‘Sweet Spots’ Help Reduce Drift Potential

Despite mounting drift-control concerns, sprayer nozzle designs and pressures should be maximized for efficient weed and insect control.
Given today’s wide variety of expensive crop protectants and their various label requirements — along with ever-changing, penalty-laden regulatory mandates aimed at controlling drift — it’s no wonder no-tillers and applicators search for that one nozzle that will do the best job on their sprayer.
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Frank Comments

24% of No-Tillers Seeding Dicamba-Tolerant Beans to Combat Drift Fears

While seed companies would lead you to believe growers will be planting dicamba-tolerant soybeans this spring to improve yields or do a better job of controlling weeds, results from a No-Till Farmer survey indicate many will only be doing so to protect their bean crop against potential herbicide drift concerns from neighboring soybean fields.
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From the Desk of Frank Lessiter

24% of No-Tillers Seeding Dicamba-Tolerant Beans to Combat Drift Fears from Neighbor’s Fields, Rather Than for Better Weed Control or Boosting Yields

While seed companies would lead you to believe growers will be planting dicamba-tolerant soybeans this spring to improve yields or do a better job of controlling weeds, results from a No-Till Farmer survey indicate many will only be doing so to protect their bean crop against potential herbicide drift concerns from neighboring soybean fields.
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[Podcast] Tackling Application, Labeling Challenges for Herbicide-Tolerant Cropping Systems

In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing Company, we welcome Bob Wolf, a veteran application expert and the owner of Wolf Consulting & Research who discusses the recent changes in labeling and application requirements for three major herbicides.
In this episode of the No-Till Farmer podcast, brought to you by Yetter Manufacturing Company, we welcome Bob Wolf, a veteran application expert and the owner of Wolf Consulting & Research who discusses the recent changes in labeling and application requirements for three major herbicides.
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Crop Protection 2018: Find Some Protection for Your Crops with These New Products

No-tillers have additional crop protection options when it comes to herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and seed treatments for 2018.
Although herbicide-resistant weeds, and the chemicals used to fight them, have been making national headlines recently, no-tillers must continue their quest to protect crops and yields by making well-informed choices about products to apply.
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