
Get started planting green with this immeasurably helpful guide from No-Till Farmer

No-Till Planting Green: Getting Started is a FREE report that will soon become your go-to guide for no-tilling primary crops into actively growing cover crops.

Dear No-Till Farmer, 

You’ve likely heard about planting green. That farmers like you are increasing yields by planting primary crops like corn and soybeans into cover crops, simultaneously improving soil health and pest management. 

By using this method, research has shown that cover crop biomass can easily be doubled, helping to increase water filtration and reducing surface runoff and soil erosion.

Making the switch to planting into cover crops may be daunting, but the benefits outweigh the challenges, and the increased yields that will follow are well worth it. 

Real no-tillers like you are increasing their yields by planting green and they spill their secrets in this exclusive guide. This FREE eGuide dives into the benefits of planting green, from farmers that have made the switch and reaped the rewards. 

Take the time to read what no-tillers have done to successfully implement this relatively new no-till practice and the incredible benefits they have seen. Trust us when we say, as a no-tiller, you don’t want to miss out on this information. 

Download No-Till Planting Green: Getting Started now, and begin boosting your crop yields TODAY. 

Read the stories, experiences and tricks of the trade from no-till farmers like you.

This comprehensive eGuide looks at how no-tillers like you planting green. You’ll find knowledgeable overviews of the planting style by the Penn State University Extension, as well as an account of how veteran no-tiller David Black boosted his crop yields by adding precision technology to his planting green methods. We even included detailed secrets from nine successful growers, providing varied perspectives and strategies for success with planting green.

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No-Till Planting Green: Getting Started is a must-read for those considering this no-till farming practice of planting primary crops into cover crops. This foundational guide will provide comprehensive coverage on the benefits, best practices and experiences of real farmers. Learn about the best application timing, equipment and successes of no-tillers planting green and bring these best practices to your growing practice.

In just one convenient guide you will: 

  • Uncover in-depth secrets of nine veteran growers.
  • Learn more about precision technology usage and suggestions for using this technology when planting green from no-tiller David Black.
  • Gain Confidence in adding planting green to your no-till practice as you uncover the numerous benefits of this relatively new no-till strategy.
  • Hear from real no-tillers as they share how to adjust your planters and spring programs to work with cover crops, as well as challenges they’ve run into and how they’ve overcome them.
  • Find detailed considerations for no-tillers who are trying this practice for the first time.

When beginning to plant green, you can’t afford to miss the words and wisdom of no-tillers who have seen results and overcome common challenges. Begin planting green with confidence by taking the time to download and read this immeasurably helpful, and FREE guide. 

No-Till Planting Green Benefits

By now you probably agree when we say you can’t miss the benefits of planting green, found in this helpful guide. Benefits such as: 

  1. Greater above – and belowground cover crop biomass. This helps to increase water infiltration and reduce surface runoff and soil erosion.
  2. Potentially fewer problems with slug and cutworm pest that move to the seedlings of the main crop when the cover crop is dead.
  3. Hairpinning problems should be eliminated or greatly reduced.
  4. The cover crop scavenges more nutrients that might otherwise be lost by leaching to groundwater.
  5. The cover will take up soil moisture and help the soil to dry out and warm up quicker in periods of excess soil moisture. 
  6. The cover crops will harvest more solar energy and increase total soil carbon. This is important to increase the water holding capacity and nutrient pool of the soil. 

For even more benefits and how to apply planting green to your no-till practice, Download our FREE Special Report, No-Till Planting Green: Getting Started. 

We talked to no-tillers using planting green practices for you.

So you can learn from the experts! Inside this FREE report you’ll find a primer from the Penn State University Extension, which breaks down planting green and the many benefits no-tillers have found from this practice. You’ll also find an in-depth recount from no-till veteran David Black on his planting green practice and adding precision technology. But that’s not all; you’ll find incredibly helpful accounts of nine no-tillers and their experiences with planting green, including advice for those just beginning the practice.

But there’s even more you’ll gain from downloading this report with real planting green accounts from no-tillers like you: 
  1. Learn how no-tillers completely eliminated slug pressure and are able to hold moisture longer into the growing season with planting green.
  2. Read how farmers are applying fertilizer with planting green. 
  3. Uncover cover crop species, mixes and rotations used when planting green for successful yields. 
  4. Discover what equipment no-tillers recommend, challenges encountered and how they solved them. 

For every question you have about beginning planting green, you’ll find answers and confidence in this easily digestible guide. Read this free report now! 

No-till farmers have had fewer challenges since planting green. 

You can too as you begin to bring your no-till farming to the next level with planting green. Here’s what these experienced no-tillers have to share: 

  • No-tiller Jim Hershey has found less risk planting soybeans into green cover than with corn, as soybeans are more tolerant of some standing cover. 
  • Jim Howard recommends planting your covers thin, as this will make it much easier to plant into. 
  • Matt Griggs advises other no-tillers to wait until conditions are favorable and the forecast remains favorable for 5 days after planting, as cover crops will magnify any weather problems, possibly leading to reduced emergence

These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this free report and reviewing it with your cup of morning coffee. 

Here’s a few more...

  • Set your planter depths one notch deeper to ensure you have a good, consistent planting depth. Don’t worry about the ground crusting. As long as the seed germinates, it will emerge.
  • The advice Mike Belan would give to other no-tillers wanting to plant green would be to go for it and integrate it slowly on a few acres first. Growing cover crops and specifically planting into them takes another set of management skills. 
  • Zeb Winslow recommends no-tillers trying planting green for the first time start small and experiment on small acreage. 

And that’s just a taste of the insight you’ll glean from no-tillers that have been planting green over the past several years.

No doubt by now you see the value in no-till planting green, and making use of the incredible insights from no-tillers who’ve gone before you in this relatively new practice. You understand there are many benefits to planting green, but rather than going in blind, you have the opportunity to glean insight from experts and other no-till farmers who have made the switch to planting green.

Do you want to increase your cover crop biomass? Reduce soil erosion? Increase total soil carbon? Improve pest management?

Then act now and download this free report now and get started planting green.

Yours for better no-tilling,

No-Till Farmer Conservation Tillage Guide * No-Till Insider

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