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To Grow US Cover Crop Acreage & Improve Soil Health, the Quickest, Most Cost-Efficient Way is to Get More Growers to See the Dozens of Benefits of No-Tilling

Each year, we conduct in-depth benchmark surveys of our No-Till Farmer (NTF), Strip-Till Farmer (STF) and Cover Crop Strategies (CCS) readers. Our goal is to provide valuable insights on what these growers are thinking and to serve as an up-to-date measurement of their cropping practices.
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No Stone Unturned in Quest for Healthy Soils

Northwest Ohio no-tiller solves soil health puzzle with plant diversity, cover crops and heavy focus on water quality.

One of the first things you’ll notice when pulling up to Les Seiler’s house is the personalized license plate on his car, with the letters “NO TIL.” Before you even shake the jovial farmer’s hand, it’s clear how enthusiastic he is about conservation ag, specifically soil health.

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Cover Crops: Starting Is The First Step

The right covers can transform tough soils, but no-tillers must fight past early challenges to find what works on their farm, Terry Taylor says.
Terry Taylor has spent much of his adult life figuring out how to unlock the potential of cover crops on his southern Illinois farm.
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Organic No-Tillers Find Suitable Markets For Their Crops

Several successful organic vegetable growers in southeastern states are combining the benefits of cover crops, reduced tillage and smart marketing. Here’s a brief look at two family operations that have been guided by the work of pioneering researchers such as Virginia Tech’s Ron Morse (see accompanying story). Both families are active participants in the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Work Group (SSAWG), a 12-state, non-profit organization.
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No-Till And Organic Techniques Coming Together Out East

Thirty years of research, trial and error and changing attitudes, along with improved equipment, are setting the stage for grower success.
“HELP!” Horticulturist Ron Morse remembers the day nearly 30 years ago when that message, scrawled by a county extension agent on the bottom of a snapshot, arrived at his Virginia Tech University office. The photo showed a mud slide blocking a rural Appalachian farm road. What was left of a cabbage patch planted on a steep sloping field was mired in the mud.
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