Strip-Till Farming

2nd Strip-Till Operational Benchmark Study: Acreage and Yields Increase for Strip-Tilled Corn and Soybeans

Farmers grew their total percentage of farm acres and average number of acres per farm being strip-tilled in 2014.

Strip-till remains a subset of more widely adopted conservation tillage practices, including no-till. According to the 7th Annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study published by No-Till Farmer earlier this year, about 7.7% of cropland acres were strip-tilled in 2014, compared to 76.5% in a no-till system.

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Ryan Groholske

2nd Strip-Till Operational Benchmark Study: Improving Strip-Till Production with Precision Technology and Cover Crops

Ongoing adoption of cutting-edge practices and conservation-minded methods help boost strip-tilled corn and soybean yields.

Strip-tillers are no strangers to adaptation and, in many cases, their farming systems are predicated on a willingness to experiment and evolve.

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Fertilizer Tweaks, Equipment Updates Yield More Success For Strip-Tillers

A commitment to strip-till and ongoing nitrogen application trials and timing reward Illinois strip-tillers Dan and Trent Sanderson
When transitioning to strip-till, farmers may gradually adopt the practice, testing the system on a small number of acres and then expanding once they begin to see the benefits.
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Rigging Up A Late-Season Cover Crop, Fertilizer Solution

With help from a fabricator, New York strip-tiller Donn Branton converted a RoGator into a dual-purpose machine that seeds covers and dry fertilizer into standing corn and soybeans.
Seeding cover crops into standing corn and soybeans in a colder climate can be a daunting challenge, so Donn Branton came up with a solution on his farm that actually solves two problems in one pass.
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cover 7

Trial And Error Leads To Strip-Till Success

Switching to 30-inch corn, and experimentation with cover crops and strip-tilled soybeans, is showing a promising payback for Indiana strip-tiller Jason Wykoff.
With the majority of their acres dedicated to seed corn, a crop that requires intense management, strip-tiller Jason Wykoff and his wife, Gretchan, can’t afford to waste time and money on unnecessary field passes.
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strip till bar

No-Till And Strip-Till: The Best Of Both Worlds

Precision technology, cover crops and innovative equipment are helping Indiana no-tiller and strip-tiller Mike Shuter and sons get the most out of two different conservation-tillage systems.
The 1980s were difficult times for farmers, and it was no different for Mike Shuter and his family. Hoping to make due with less, they looked to no-till to reduce fuel, labor and expenses, with the hope of maintaining yields.
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Frank Comments

Ridge-Till Vs. Strip-Tilling

From 1991 until 1996, our publishing company produced a newsletter called Ridge-Till Hotline that was similar to what we were doing with No-Till Farmer. While the response to this paid newsletter was favorable, by the mid 1990s we didn't feel the ridge-till acres were going to continue to grow. So we halted publication, much to the regret of many die-hard ridge-tillers.
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