Articles Tagged with ''increase''

No-Till Expands By 7.1 Million Acres

U.S. cropped acres being no-tilled grew from 20 percent in 2002 to almost 23 percent this year.
While some growers and educators figured the U.S. no-till acreage might have decreased during the past 2 years, it instead turned in an astounding increase of 7.1 million acres. Much of the increase occurred in the Great Plains states where no-till is helping growers make more productive use of limited water.
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New Phosphorus Fertilizer Treatment May Significantly Improve Yields

Field tests indicate that compound boosts crop development by preventing chemical fixation, allowing nutrient uptake. Product could hit full market in 2005.
Imgaine gaining 20 more bushels of corn per acre or similarly significant jumps in soybean, wheat and other crop yields. It could be possible next year just just by treating the phosphorus applied to your no-till fields with a new compound designed to improve uptake of the nutrient.
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New Standards In Weed Control Possible For Little Extra Cost

Research shows inexpensive ammonium sulfate can boost herbicide performance to help control many difficult weeds.
For as little as 20 cents per acre, no-tillers can significantly increase the effectiveness of their post-emergent herbicide applications. The addition of inexpensive ammonium sulfate (AMS) to the tank mix can boost no-till weed control by as much as 41 percent in some cases, according to Bryan Young, a weed scientist at Southern Illinois University.
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Take A Closer Look At Ammonium Sulfate!

While little attention has been paid to this nitrogen source, there are many benefits to using it with a no-till program.
Like it or not, succeeding in the new millennium is going to require you to make some changes in your no-till program, both in your thought process and in your crop management system.
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Tackling Tricky Soils

Understanding how soils work isn't an easy task. Here's the nitty gritty.
As no-tillers, you don’t need anyone to tell you that no-tilling is the best thing you can do to ensure your soils are protected and are helping the environment.
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Are Narrow Rows The Way To Go?

It’s no big mystery, maintains Purdue corn specialist Bob Nielsen. No-tillers can find the answer by assessing corn crop canopy development.
Yield responses from ultra-narrow-row corn are no great miracle, says Bob Nielsen. The Purdue researcher, who was already conducting narrow-row corn studies in the 1980s, says these responses are a simple matter of crop canopy management.
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