Not only can cover crops planted in no-till fields fix nitrogen in the short term, they can also reduce soil erosion and mitigate the effects of drought in the long term, says a Natural Resource Conservation Service agronomist.
With an emphasis on growing fewer soybean acres due to this year's move toward more continuous corn, no-tillers are looking for new ways to boost soybean yields. And attendees at last winter's 15th annual National No-Tillage Conference learned that a number of new pesticide developments can definitely help in the control of insects, diseases and weeds.
What started out as an experiment with no-till grain sorghum has led Benedict, Kan., farmer Jerry Guenther to national prominence as one of the country’s top-yielding grain sorghum producers.
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In this 2025 National No-Tillage Conference session preview, Rockwell City, Iowa, no-tiller James Hepp checks in with a look at his highly modified Case IH 1200 pivot-fold no-till planter.
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