Soil Health

No-Till On The Rocks

When challenges come knocking, this no-tiller uses his keen sense and strategies to make sure they’re only temporary.
“There's nobody else that can do our job as no-tillers,” says Dick Lloyd. “We have to come up with our own solutions.”
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No-Till’s Still Number One!

Even though farmers have been no-tilling for 30 years, scientists are finding new reasons why no-till is the best way to boost your yields, improve the environment and protect precious soils.
Even though we’ve been hearing sporadic reports that a few farmers are parking their no-till equipment and going back to the disc, chisel plow and field cultivator, rest assured that you’re making the right decision.
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A Ridge Tilling No-Tiller

Admitting that no-till has major benefits, this ridge till veteran just isn't ready to make the switch.
Bill Secor has once again decided not to become a no-tiller. While he feels the flat, deep soils in his area of north central Iowa might lend themselves to no-till, he’s a ridge tiller and, though he’s considered switching to no-till, he’s decided against it for the time being.
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Take A Closer Look At Ammonium Sulfate!

While little attention has been paid to this nitrogen source, there are many benefits to using it with a no-till program.
Like it or not, succeeding in the new millennium is going to require you to make some changes in your no-till program, both in your thought process and in your crop management system.
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Tackling Tricky Soils

Understanding how soils work isn't an easy task. Here's the nitty gritty.
As no-tillers, you don’t need anyone to tell you that no-tilling is the best thing you can do to ensure your soils are protected and are helping the environment.
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Ripping Success!

While many farmers claim the initial conversion to no-till will initially drop yields,this no-tiller says it can be avoided with ripping.
While there are certainly many concerns about no-tilling corn into cold and wet soils, it always seems to come back to the fear of reduced yields which keeps more farmers from giving this idea a try
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Be Kind To No-Till’s Underground Allies

Researchers share tips on how to keep earthworms working for you.
An acre's worth of earthworms can equal the weight of more than 20 hired men. Earthworms are small but productive, eat for free and work all night long in your no-till fields.
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