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Maximizing Yields in Your Best No-Till Fields

Neil Kinsey

Neal Kinsey, the world renowned soil fertility expert from Charleston, Mo., and author of Hands-On Agronomy, will lead a 3-hour workshop to help no-tillers increase soil fertility levels for higher, more profitable production on their better-producing soils, rather than just focusing time and money on bringing bottom yields up.

Key areas that Kinsey will cover include evaluating soil and tissue tests for nutrient needs, and thorough scouting of fields to verify what the reports show to aid in fine-tuning nutrient strategies and optimizing corn and soybean yields. He’ll also use a handful of soil test reports covering various soil types to discuss examples of nutrient practices that could be improved, and offer tips for correction.

This workshop is limited to 100 attendees and costs just an additional $75 to attend. It is limited to only registered attendees of the National No-Tillage Conference. Reserve your seats by submitting the form below.