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When it Comes to Brand Loyalty, More Growers Are Willing to Switch Brands with Planter, Drill & Sprayer Buys — Three Slices of the Overall Farm Equipment Market Which Are Critical for No-Tillers

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When it comes to brand loyalty with different ag equipment products, no-tillers are more likely than the general farm population to change brands when it comes to purchasing seeding and planting equipment.

In a 2024 survey conducted by Ag Equipment Intelligence (AEI), 43% of farmers indicated they had bought a different planter or drill brand over the past 5 years than what their major supplier offered.

Broken down further, data from the past 5 years showed 43% of growers bought a planter than was different than their favorite major equipment brand. This was followed by 21% of growers who bought a different colored drill.

Looking back at previous AEI surveys, data showed 40% of growers had bought a different drill or planter in 2020 compared to 45% in 2017.

With effective spraying being so critical to the success of a no-till operation, 31% of these growers had bought a sprayer from a different manufacturer during the past 5 years.

In the most recent AEI survey, conducted by one of our other Lessiter Media publications, overall ag equipment brand loyalty saw a slight decline to 62% in 2024. This represented a drop from its peak in 2017 when 75% of growers identified as ag equipment brand loyalists. Farmers who were more loyal to their brand than 5 years earlier hit an all-time low in 2024.

14 Reasons to Switch Brands 

Here are a number of significant factors that would be considered by farmers when it comes to changing to other…

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Frank Lessiter

Frank Lessiter founded Lessiter Media in 1981 and has spent more than 50 years in the agricultural and equine publishing business. He still oversees all of the company's publications as Chairman and Editorial Director, with an Emphasis on American Farriers Journal and No-Till Farmer magazines.


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