[Video] Improving the Bottom Line with a More Precise, Records-Based Approach to No-Tilling

Rick Murdock knows the power a no-till system has to transform eroded, unproductive terrain into successful farming operations, having seen it happen during travels to Brazil, Indonesia and other countries, and on his own 1,200-acre farm near Murray, Ky. where he saw a no-till planter roll in 1976 as a 19-year-old.


Murdock will kick off our conference by sharing the no-till system he’s assembled to successfully raise crops in highly erodible silt loam loess soils, including his 1-acre “learning block” approach to testing different corn hybrid populations, records-based spoon-feeding of nitrogen and special software to track crop and expense records that help him raise corn, wheat and double-crop soybeans more profitably.


The 2018 National No-Tillage Conference Video Replay is brought to you by Thurston Manufacturing.

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