Surfing The Net At Three Different Speeds

Beginning, intermediate and advanced Internet concerns were addressed at last winter’s 10th annual National No-Tillage Conference.

After suffering through that annoying screeching noise that your computer makes when you first log on to the Internet, you have to figure out where to go on the Net, and more importantly, how to get there.

There is more no-tilling and conservation farming information on the Web than any farmer might know what to do with, but if he or she can’t get to it, or can’t narrow it down, these handy resources will go unused.

Part of the program at the 10th annual National No-Tillage Conference addressed this issue and broke down ways to surf the Internet for beginning, intermediate and advanced users.

Basic Beginnings

For some people, the hardest part about using the Internet is knowing where to start. No-tillers just merging onto the information superhighway gained some valuable knowledge from Rich Little, a veteran no-tiller and Internet user from Eaton, Ohio.

He maintains that beginners need to know the five main reasons to be on the Web: communication, information, buying, selling and entertainment.

1. E-mail is the new way, and sometimes, a better way to communicate, according to Little.

“You can get on there in the middle of the night and respond whenever you want,” he says. “It’s a lot more convenient than a phone call.”

E-mail and the Internet provide a way for no-tillers around the globe to communicate without having to deal with long-distance charges or waiting days or weeks to receive a letter. Everything is instantaneous.

But, just because you can send and…

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