
Achieving Picket-Fence Stands with Precise Seed Placement

Veteran grower Tom Cannon from Blackwell, Okla., shares tips on how his forensic-level approach to planting and seeding pave the way for success with no-tilling ‘green’ into covers on every acre.

Pictured Above: GROUND ENGAGEMENT. The business end of Tom Cannon’s John Deere 1770 NT drills features hydraulic down force, sharp discs, Long Life gauge wheels, heavy-duty seed tube protectors, Keeton seed firmers with Mojo wires, and a follow-up by starred Thompson closing wheels. The combination helps in the Oklahoma farmer’s “plant green, harvest green” techniques.

When avid hunter and outdoorsman Tom Cannon was in his mid-20s, he experimented with no-till and interseeded food plots to attract white-tailed deer and other game on his family’s ranch near the small town of Newkirk in north-central Oklahoma.

What he learned about cover crops, seed placement and interseeding from those experiences is evident on today’s Goodson Ranch, a nearly-10,000-acre family farming and cattle operation with land on both sides of the Arkansas River just south of the Kansas state line. 

Labor for the operation is primarily Cannon and his wife, Laurie, and children Jacob, Reagan, Reese and Rachel. While…

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Dan Crummett

Dan Crummett has more than 40 years in regional and national agricultural journalism including editing state farm magazines, web-based machinery reporting and has a long-term interest in no-till and conservation tillage. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from Oklahoma State University.

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