Roberto Peiretti

Roberto Peiretti

No-Tiller/Consultant, Argentina

The Road to Continuous No-Till and Enhanced, Efficient and Profitable System Performance

No-tillers today must farm in a globalized and competitive world trying to meet the ever-growing demand for agricultural products — all while becoming more and more efficient, meeting environmental goals and staying profitable, says long-time no-tiller and consultant Roberto Peiretti.


A founding member of the Argentinian no-till farmers association AAPRESID and a co-founder of Bioceres, Peiretti shares the main principles of his systemic approach to no-tilling honed over the past 40 years in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. He explains the benefits of integrating crop rotation, cover crops, carbon farming and fertilizer use and placement to create an efficient, high-powered no-till system. Peiretti, who farms with his wife Cintia, also provides a glimpse of no-till adoption progress and benefits obtained in South America.