Robert Saik

Robert Saik

Agrologist, Entrepreneur and Consultant, Olds, Alberta

Food 5.0: How No-Tillers Will Feed the Future

Food has become the new religion. But while denominations such as paleo, vegan and organic debate which is “the way,” the industry is ignoring a truth that affects us all, says Robert Saik: to support a population nearing 10 billion by 2050, agriculture must be infinitely sustainable.


Drawing on themes presented in his recently released book, “FOOD 5.0: How We Feed the Future,” the veteran agrologist, entrepreneur and consultant from Olds, Alberta, shares a pragmatic look at the five iterations of agriculture, culminating in a discussion of how convergence of technologies such as sensors, robotics, and machine learning is reshaping the farm and consumer — and where no-tillers can expect to find themselves in the midst of all this change.